Monday, June 3, 2013

Transform 'Don't Touch Me' Into "Please Touch Me!" When Meeting Korean Women!

Transform 'Don't Touch Me' Into "Please Touch Me!" When
Meeting Korean Women!

"Don't touch me!" - Discover how to transform that into 'Please touch me!' when meeting Korean women and get more intimate successfully.
When a Korean woman says "don't touch me!" does she always mean it?

Of course she does!

But that doesn't mean she doesn't want you to touch her AT ALL.

Most normal human beings love physical contact.

She'd love it from you too if you can handle her feedback.

So what CAN you do to make you touching her something she accepts and wants?

It depends on understanding 'why' she's saying it and how you handle her objection:

• when you just meet her

• when you're building rapport and comfort with her

• when you're in bed with her

Soon you'll discover how to make her go from "no touchee!" to "touch me now!" ;-)

Why She's Saying "Don't Touch Me!"

dont touch me
At the surface it may seem like she just doesn't want you to touch her.

If you dig deeper you find out that it's not the case.

In fact she DOES want you to touch her.

Human beings love physical touch and in some cultures it's common to be physically close (even for Koreans.)

Touching someone is another way of getting to know them.

Remember when you were a kid and touched everything? Maybe even today you and her touch things you're curious about.

Touching is natural and if you want to know more on how to touch a girl the right way then click on the link.

You'll discover what you need to change for making her feel comfortable with you touching her.

So once you know HOW intimate touching works we can then work on what to do when she says "Don't touch me!"

Handle Feedback When You're
Meeting Korean Women

If you're starting an interaction with her and she's saying "Don't touch me!" there here things you can do.

Understand that when a woman says that she just wants you to ease up on (but not stop) the touching until she feels comfortable.

Look at her like she's being silly (which she is.) Touching is something people do. In some cultures even strangers touch each other as a form of communication and contact.
Some people even kiss at first meeting!
By giving her a look that she's being silly you're making her feel like SHE'S the one being socially inappropriate. Especially if she's making a scene.

In the meantime re-calibrate your touching so that she feels comfortable. For a list of where to appropriately start intimate touching and making it more confortable click on the link.
Mimic her silliness. If she's still saying "don't touch me!" then you can mimic her. Act like a spoiled little girl as you mimic her. That will get a laugh out of her and make her realize that she's being silly.

Re-calibrate your touching and continue.

Handling Feedback When You're
Building Rapport And Comfort

What if you're getting to know each other and she's still asking you not to touch her? I share some stories to remind her that touching is natural and vital for people.

Talk about your touchy grandparents or culture. I would personally tell her how my grandmother and her mediterranean culture was very touchy-feely.

At first I was weirded out by it as a kid but eventually I realized that it's natural and fun.

So touching people is part of my culture.

Talk about how you're a touchy-feely person. I recommend telling her that you're naturally touchy-feely and that it's part of who you are. You can then ask her if she knew any other touchy-feely people who she DID like touching her. We all have someone.

As she thinks about that person she'll remember how comfortable she was when that person touched her.

That will make her start to feel comfortable with you.

Tell her about the strange case in the hospital. In the early 20th century a hospital kept having babies that died. Nobody knew why because the babies were healthy and had food and water.

It wasn't until they noticed how the surviving babies were the ones that the nurses held. People NEED touch.

What If She Says "Don't Touch Me!"
In The Bedroom?

Let's be frank here. If she's in your bed it's not because she needs a place to sleep. When a woman says it in bed it's either because there's something you haven't addressed or you're escalating too quickly.

Make a game of it. If you're kissing her shoulder and she says "no touchee!" then playfully ask her if you can kiss her somewhere else (as you do it.) Kiss her upper arm and ask "How about here?" Keep it up and she'll lighten up.

Act turned off. If she insists that you don't touch her then I recommend being annoyed (not angry) and getting out of bed to do something else.

In both cases she'll open up and hint at what's holding her back at being intimate with you. Maybe she's afraid that you'll just use her for sex and throw her out. Maybe she's insecure about her body. Whatever it is let her open up and address it.

Whatever happens I STRONGLY DISCOURAGE you from escalating the intimacy if she says "Stop!" or walks (runs) away from you. There is a fine line between voluntary sex and rape. Use your own judgement.

Speaking of fine line...

When Should You Just Stop Touching Her?

For me when I'm meeting Korean women I stop touching them if they walk away. I don't pursue.

If they walk away from you too then that's fine. What's IMPORTANT is that they know you're a sensual man.

This is vital because in the future if you see her again and she's looking for a man to be intimate with then chances are she'll pick you.

Why? Because you're brave enough to be sensual so she knows she can show that side of herself with you. You wanting to bed her will not surprise her. In fact if she came back to "talk to you" it's because she wants (and expects) you to make a pass.

In any case you'll notice better results as you meet and touch Korean women.

Have fun! ;-)

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