Monday, June 3, 2013

How To Touch a Girl From Korea Troubleshooting Tips!

How To Touch a Girl From
Korea Troubleshooting Tips!

How to touch a girl troubleshooting guide - everything you need to know for making Korean women comfortable with your intimate touching.
Want to know how to touch a girl (from Korea) to make her more comfortable with your intimate touching?

People touching each other is natural and fun.

Even more: intimate relationships and seduction come from physical touch.

Making sure that the Korean woman you're seducing enjoys your physical touch is VITAL if you want more intimacy.

During my 4+ years of coaching men at meeting and dating Korean women I've seen common touching mistakes.

Below you'll discover what might be holding you back.

You'll also learn what the #1 mistake guys make when touching a woman is.

Rest easy - you'll soon transform your touching from inappropriate to desirable!

Discover The Power of Touch!

Touching someone is a basic human need. Everyone loves being touched and touch is vital to a solid seduction.

When we were infants nurses and our mother HAD to hold us a lot. This gave our human bodies the touching we needed to feel love and affection.

Even animals love touch. That's why animals with a deep connection hug each other or touch one another.

Think about a pet cat or dog. We love them because they come and touch us. We also enjoy touching them because it makes both of us feel good.

When it comes to touching a Korean woman the feelings are the same: You love giving her touch just like you did with a pet. She loves receiving touch if you do it the right way.

First let's look at the typical mistakes guys make when touching a woman intimately.

How To Touch a Girl The Wrong Way

Touch her too intimately too soon. If you're touching her and she's not comfortable it might be because you're touching her too intimately.

Even if you're just touching her upper back she might feel it's too intimate for HER.

Especially with Korean women whose Asian culture is not a touching one.

That doesn't mean that she doesn't want to be touched.

It just means that you're going too fast (for her) with the touching.

Re-calibrate and go slower with the touching.

For more on intimate touching and what to do to make it happen on the link!

Touch her but feeling uncomfortable yourself. Another common mistake guys make is to make the touching uncomfortable. You might be hesitating and believe me she can feel it. If you're uncomfortable so will she be.

Touch randomly and unexpectedly. If you've been chatting her up for an hour and then start holding her hand she'll jump back.

The problem in this case isn't that you touched her. The problem was that it was too sudden and in this case too intimate.

Touch her too desperately. Women are very intuitive creatures. If you're touching her and she can tell that it's desperate and creepy then she'll reject it.

So if this is all about how to touch a girl the wrong way then what is the right way?

How To Touch a Girl The Right Way!

Make the touching gradual and predictable. If you start touching her slightly at first and in comfortable places then she'll feel comfortable. As you escalate the interaction and you escalate the touching she'll keep feeling comfortable…even as the touching gets more intimate.

Make intimate touching work with the practical steps in this link.

Make 'touching' a reward. Whether it's just a pat on the back or a long massage - touching is a reward you give. I recommend touching her with the same mindset you have when patting a dog or child (or even yourself) for doing a good job.

Touch regularly and enjoyably. It's important to come across as a man who touches people because he likes it. He also knows that the other people like it too.

You can make her feel comfortable with your touch because you'll come across as a 'touchy-feely' man. Touching people is just part of who you are and so be it.

Internalize these tips and you'll be more successful at touching a girl from Korea (or anywhere) more intimately. As long as you avoid this #1 mistake!

The #1 Mistake That Guys Make
When Touching a Woman

A lot of guys (including myself) believe that when a woman rejects something we do that she's rejecting US.

The biggest mistake when learning how to touch a girl is to confuse rejecting your touching with rejecting YOU.

Touching her intimately so that she's comfortable means pushing the limits. There will be times where she's saying "don't touch me!" Most of the times it's because of the errors above.

So take the feedback and re-calibrate your touching. This will make your seducing more enjoyable when you date Korean women.

how to touch a korean girl
One time I was on a date with a Korean woman and she wouldn't have any of my touching.

I kept re-calibrating and escalating the interaction.

End result? We were in my bed 2 hours later.

She even told me that she never "just sleeps with a guy."

Even I was shocked that we ended up being so intimate!

Granted it ended up being just a one time thing as she never returned my calls. Ah well… ;-)

In any case - have fun!

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