Saturday, May 4, 2013

Long Term Relationship Advice When Dating a Korean Woman

Are you dating a Korean woman?

This long term relationship advice will help make your relationship last.
How so? It will have a strong foundation.

Learn from my experience with dating Korean women so that you can rest assured that she'll stay in your life.

I recommend

 • keeping things light and playful

 • letting her know you're serious

 • spicing things up in the bedroom

As you blend these traits into your relationship then she'll be grateful (repeat: GRATEFUL) that you're in her life.

I'm sure you feel the same way too.

Long Term Relationship Advice Tips #1
Start Light And Playful

The best way to make sure she enjoys being with you is to have fun. 

Every time you're together if you can make her laugh she'll stick around.  It doesn't mean being a clown.  Instead imagine that you're teasing your little sister or niece.

This is difficult if you find her very attractive but the more you can tease her as you would a child the more fun she'll have with you.

It's also good to keep things playful and light when something bad happens.

If you're disappointed about something or have a bad experience I recommend finding the funny side and sharing it with her.

She'll admire your charisma and will want to stay with you.

Long Term Advice Tips #2 
Let Her Know You're Serious

While being fun and playful it's also important to be serious.

Should you be serious about everything? Only a few things:

Your commitment to the relationship:  Korean women in particular are insecure about their relationships.  This is because they usually have much more invested than the guys - especially foreign guys. 

If you let her know that you see her as someone who you'll always keep in your life she'll feel good. 

You can do that by talking about your future together either imaginary or real. 

You can also learn Korean and about her culture.  That will make her feel like you can be part of her world too.  She'll more likely stick around.

Your feelings towards life and things she's done: If she's late and you don't like it or your car broke down as you were driving her somewhere then it's okay to be serious about how you feel. 

Just be sure YOU control your feelings and not the other way around.  If she does something you don't like then tell her that you're "disappointed."

Oh, and you're never angry.  Anger means that you've lost control ;-)

Your future:  It's good to show some ambition.  Women who have to present their foreign boyfriends or husbands want to show a solid catch.

For Korean women it's a bigger risk showing a foreigner to her friends and family.  Being serious about your future and life plans will make her feel more comfortable with being with you.

Long Term Relationship Advice Tips #3
Spice Things Up

There's a saying that goes:
"If sex is good then it's a small part of the relationship.  BUT if
it isn't good it becomes the main relationship problem."
If your sex life suffers then so will your relationship.  Luckily most Korean women haven't had a chance to explore much in the bedroom.

That means that you can be her first for many things.  It doesn't have to be anything super fancy either.

You can play in the bedroom with

 • food

 • new positions

 • new places in the apartment or house

Just starting there and adding something new from time to time will guarantee that she enjoys having sex with you.

Does Long Term Relationship
Advice Always Work?

long term relationship advice
Relationships are complex.

So are the reasons we get into them.

We don't know what she ultimately wants from your relationship. 

Granted if you're willing to discover her and what she wants you'll more likely make her happy.

When that happens there's no real reason for her to leave you. 

Just be sure to keep trying new things and adding variety.

For more on how to spice up relationships click on the link.

Have fun! ;-)

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