Saturday, May 4, 2013

Why is Relationship Commitment Vital For Korean Women

We believe that all women want a relationship commitment from their partners. This is not true.
Many women are happy living single or more carefree lives.
Not so for Korean women.
These ladies live in a culture that gives them no other choice but to have a committed relationship.
Sure this is changing but Korea has a long way to go before reaching gender equality.
What does that mean to you if you want to date a woman from Korea?
Discover what you'll be expected to do and why it is so.

Women Have Little Status in Korea

Single Korean women have no real status in Korea.
The only way they can get status is by getting married (to a man.) That's why Korean ladies demand a stronger relationship commitment from their men.
Being single can also hurt their relationships with their parents and family. Most families expect their daughters to marry at a certain age. Otherwise she will be seen as a…well…liability.

 Women Have a Unspoken Due Date

Many Korean women want a relationship commitment from the get-go because by the time they're 31 their 'marriage' value drops a lot.
So if she's reaching her late twenties then she's more probably going to want a lot of relationship commitment with whomever she's with.
In fact at this stage a lot of Korean women simply choose the first guy who will commit to a long term relationship. Whether she likes him or not is secondary.

Women Are Expected To Marry

relationship commitment for Korean women
In Korean culture a Korean woman's job is
• to marry
• produce a son
• care for all the parents
That's it (if I may be so blunt.)
This is not like in the West where a woman has more liberties. In Korea's homogeneous society she's unable to break away from her 'duty'.

This is also because of financial reasons.
Korean women have a low "glass ceiling".
They don't make enough usually to live independently (although this is changing.)
Their only escape from their family is to marry.
So Korean women require more relationship commitment from their husbands or boyfriends.
It's their main chance for a life outside of the home.

Foreign Men Don't Really Fit

So what about you? Ooohh boy.
Most Koreans believe that foreigners will leave Korea sooner or later. Either that or Koreans living overseas will eventually return to Korea.
This means that there's no point for a lot of Koreans to have relationships with foreigners.
Not only that but foreign men have the reputation of being arrogant playboys. In other words Koreans believe that foreigners don't know how to commit.
So if a Korean woman who wants a serious relationship with you she's going to test and question your commitment. I recommend making her feel as comfortable as possible about the fact that you're not going anywhere. You can also remind her that the relationship is important to you.
Granted I recommend doing this only if you mean it of course. ;-)

Korean Women Have Power
In The Relationship

So is it all bad for a Korean woman? Not at all. In public the men have the power. In private it's another matter…
A Korean wife controls the bankbooks and has the final word about the children.
A man's job is to go to work and make money for the family (i.e. her). She then controls where the money goes and the man isn't supposed to question it. In fact most men don't.
Am I saying it's a fair trade-off? Not at all. I'm just sharing with you what I've gathered after 5 years in Seoul. This comes from my observations AND discussing this with Korean friends and families.

Is Korea's Relationship
Commitment Culture For You?

I'm not going to lie to you. Many foreigners who got seriously involved with Korean women were in for some surprises.
Korean culture and how Koreans view family and relationships is fundamentally different.
For more of my expert relationship advice then click on the link. You'll discover more on how to get around these cultural differences.
Understand that Korea is changing. Their economic boom and US influence is reshaping South Korea as we speak. That being said Korea has a way to go before there's ever gender equality the way you know it. If ever...
› Relationship Commitment

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